




What Makes People Beautiful

 What makes people beautiful? Makeup? Dressing up? Or smiling? Of course these can, but, from my perspective, the most fundamental thing is “confidence.”
 I’ve been taking an online English lesson for about a year. I started this program by chance. Before starting, I hadn’t even thought of taking that kind of lesson because I was too shy to use my poor English. I was anxious before my first lesson for that reason, but once the class started, I was amazed. In contrast to my anxiety, the kind teacher only used simple words and spoke slowly so that I could understand what she said. She also made me laugh to make me feel relaxed. Thanks to this great teacher, my English has improved. Now I have become able to exchange opinions with classmates from abroad and have made friends from multiple countries.
 The question at the beginning of this blog was one of the topics of a discussion with classmates. A female student from Thailand answered that it’s definitely “confidence” while I answered it’s “smiling”. She told us about a conflict that she used to have and concluded by saying that inside beauty makes the person shine. I was greatly inspired by her story and her attitude to her life. I could see her strength and passion burning inside her, and they made her dignified.
 In conclusion, what I want to tell you from this experience is that “confidence makes people beautiful”. In my case, what gave me confidence is the ability to speak English. It has literally changed my life and even my personality. The world in front of me has broadened dramatically.
 Are you confident in yourself? If not, connecting with the world by English might be one of the best ways to make a revolution in yourself.

